Pensulo Publishers

A member of the Booksellers & Publishers Association of Zambia

The philosophical bedrock is in the ability of the pensulo (pencil) to be broken and shared among users to encourage many would be writers to record their culture. Our phrase “How can it be hidden if it was written by Africans themselves?” is a response to the notion: “Put a thing in a book and hide it from an African.” A private company limited by guarantee, Pensulo Publishers has been dully registered with the Patents and Companies Registration Agency (PACRA) and the Zambia Revenue Authority (ZRA) from 22 March and 24 April 2013, respectively. In Educating Our Future (1996), the Ministry of General Education identifies a crucial tripod with three interdependent elements: public libraries, authors and readers. Pensulo Publishers Limited aims at working hand-in-hand with the government in raising the levels of literacy by supporting all the above three legs of literacy’s ‘tripod stand’. Through team effort, Pensulo Publishers has thus far produced in excess of twenty (20) high quality publications.

Born out of the desire to provoke significant corporate contribution to meeting the literacy challenges in Zambia and beyond.

The quest and appetite for writing and book authorship is growing and therefore present Pensulo Publishers with frequent dynamic opportunities for preparing the related manuscripts, funding the publications and marketing such new works in Zambia and the emerging regional and global markets

Organisational Structure

Responsible for managing the company’s overall operations. This include delegating and directing agendas, driving profitability, managing company organizational structure, strategy, and communicating with the board.

Board Of Directors
Responsible for protecting shareholders’ interests, establishing policies for management, oversight of the corporation or organization, and making decisions about important issues a company or organization faces.

General Manager
Responsible for improving efficiency and increasing departmental profits while managing the company’s overall operations.

Mr. Osward Chanda Penda

PhD (cand.), Stellenbosch University; MA Cultural Heritage Studies, Central European University (CEU), Budapest and Vienna; MBA (DPU); B.Ed. (UNZA)

Mr. Arudo George Ombewa

Leadership & Management PhD student- (University of Bolton-UK); MSc- Project Management (Cavendish University); B.A (University of Nairobi)

Ms. Martha Banda

Diploma in Business Economics and Commerce from Cambridge College (UK), and diploma in Education from Nkrumah University (Zambia), 1st & 2nd degree in French Language (DELF – France) and a certificate in Creative Writing (University of Massachusetts – Boston/USA)

Mr. Victor Phiri

BSc. (Computer Science), University of Zambia

Organisational Direction


To become a world leader in publishing, printing and bookselling.


Inspiring investment of significant corporate efforts in raising African literacy levels to world class standards.


  1. To inspire significant contributions to elimination of illiteracy in Zambia and beyond
  2. To promulgate preservation of African cultural knowledge.
  3. To raise the bar of excellence in production and printing of Zambian and African books to international quality.